Let me have men about me that are fat! Sleek-head­ed men, and such as sleep ‘o nights. Yond Cas­sius has a lean and hun­gry look; he thinks too much – such men are dan­ger­ous. Would he were fat­ter!

William Shake­speare Julius Cae­sar, act I, scene II

There is hope­ful sym­bol­ism in the fact that flags do not wave in a vac­u­um.

Arthur C. Clarke

No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the con­ti­nent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promon­to­ry were, as well as if a manor of thy friends or of thine own were; any man’s death dimin­ish­es me, because I am involved in mankind; and there­fore nev­er send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.

John Donne, Med­i­ta­tion XVII

Don’t let the suck­ers grind you down.

W. C. Fields

Deserves it [to die]! I dare­say he does. Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judge­ment. For even the very wise can­not see all ends.

J.R.R. Tolkien

En må jo gjøre sitt beste. Det å påvise og doku­mentere effekt av det du dri­ver med på en klar og enty­dig måte, før­er jo til en slags utarm­ing av fel­tet. Det er akku­rat som om effek­t­jageri­et øde­leg­ger innover i behan­dlingsin­sti­tusjonene og før­er til en veldig forvir­ring innen psykolo­gi, psyki­a­tri og ter­api­forskn­ing omkring hva slags behan­dling­sop­p­legg man skal satse på.

Mary Theophi­lakis, Impuls 2/95

Jeg stiller meg meget kri­tisk til at folk skal tjene sitt leve­brød på å foren­kle infor­masjon de selv ikke forstår.

Bjørn Borud

Tyger, Tyger, burn­ing bright,
In the forests of the night,
What immor­tal hand or eye,
Could frame thy fear­ful sym­me­try?

In what dis­tant deeps or skies,
Burnt the fire of thine eyes?
On what wings dare he aspire?
What the hand dare sieze the fire?

And what shoul­der, & what art,
Could twist the sinews of thy heart?
And when thy heart began to beat,
What dread hand? & what dread feet?

What the ham­mer? What the chain?
In what fur­nace was thy brain?
What the anvil ? What dread grasp
Dare its dead­ly ter­rors clasp?

When the stars threw down their spears
And water’d heav­en with their tears:
Did he smile his work to see?
Did he who made the Lamb, make thee?

Tyger, Tyger, burn­ing bright
In the forests of the night
What immor­tal hand or eye
Dare frame thy fear­ful sym­me­try?

William Blake


I dun­no. Perl has its (errm) dis­tinc­tive qual­i­ties … it’s a write-only lan­guage with a pre­pos­ter­ous­ly arcane syn­tax. Its prac­ti­tion­ers form a jeal­ous­ly-guard­ed refine­ment of the class of pro­gram­mers. Its affi­ciona­dos aspire to won­drous­ly com­pact and com­plex code.

Just like tex, real­ly.

Robin Fair­bairns

Pap­pa! Jeg vil ha månen!

Lydia Marie Mevold Lind­gren

One of the most inter­est­ing results emerg­ing from stud­ies of the rela­tion between intel­li­gence and lead­ing is the sug­ges­tion that lead­ers may not exceed the non­lead­ers by too large a mar­gin. Great dis­crep­an­cies between the intel­li­gence of one mem­ber and of oth­ers mil­i­tate against his emer­gence into and reten­tion of the lead­er­ship role … The evi­dence sug­gests that every incre­ment of intel­li­gence means wis­er gov­ern­ment, but that the crowd prefers to be ill-gov­erned by peo­ple it can under­stand.

Gibb, C.A. (1969) Lead­er­ship. In: G. Lindzey and E. Aron­son (Eds.), The Hand­book of Social Psy­chol­o­gy (2nd ed, Vol. 4, pp 205–282). Read­ing, MA: Addi­son-Wes­ley.

I like to pull out a $US20 note and point out that there is some­thing about that note that both­ers Bill Gates – that it is in my pock­et. Microsoft real­ly does want all the mon­ey and I’m not sure they won’t get it.

Robert X. Cringe­ley

Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my own spec­i­fied world to bring them up in and I’ll guar­an­tee to take any one at ran­dom and train him to become any type of spe­cial­ist I might select – doc­tor, lawyer, artist, mer­chant-chief and, yes, even beg­gar-man and thief, regard­less of his tal­ents, pen­chants, ten­den­cies, abil­i­ties, voca­tions, and race of his ances­tors. I am going beyond my facts and I admit it, but so have the advo­cates of the con­trary and they have been doing it for many thou­sands of years.

John B. Wat­son

It is often said that a sci­en­tif­ic view of man leads to wound­ed van­i­ty, a sense of hope­less­ness, and nos­tal­gia. But no the­o­ry changes what it is a the­o­ry about; man remains what he has always been. And a new the­o­ry may change what can be done with its sub­ject mat­ter. A sci­en­tif­ic view of man offers excit­ing pos­si­bil­i­ties. We have not yet seen what man can make of man.

B.F. Skin­ner

I would just like to say that it is my con­vic­tion that longer hair and oth­er flam­boy­ant affec­ta­tions of appear­ance are noth­ing more than the male’s emer­gence from his drab cam­ou­flage into the gaudy plumage which is the birthright of his sex.

There is a pecu­liar notion that ele­gant plumage and fine feath­ers are not prop­er for the male when actu­al­ly that is the way things are in most species.

Rag­ni, Ger­mome; Rado, James & Mac­Der­mot, Galt: Hair

A dis­turb­ing fact con­tin­ues to sur­face in sex abuse research. The first best pre­dic­tor of abuse is alco­hol or drug addic­tion in the father. But the sec­ond best pre­dic­tor is con­ser­v­a­tive reli­gios­i­ty, accom­pa­nied by parental belief in tra­di­tion­al male-female roles. This means that if you want to know which chil­dren are most like­ly to be sex­u­al­ly abused by their father, the sec­ond most sig­nif­i­cant clue is whether or not the par­ents belong to a con­ser­v­a­tive reli­gious group with tra­di­tion­al role beliefs and rigid sex­u­al atti­tudes.

(Brown and Bohn, 1989; Finkel­hor, 1986; For­tune, 1983; Gold­stein et al, 1973; Van Leeuwen, 1990). (empha­sis in orig­i­nal) [““Sex­u­al Abuse in Chris­t­ian Homes and Church­es””, by Car­olyn Hold­er­read Heggen, Her­ald Press, Scot­dale, PA, 1993 p. 73]

Poets say sci­ence takes away from the beau­ty of the stars – mere globs of gas atoms. Noth­ing is “mere”. I too can see the stars on a desert night, and feel them. But do I see less or more? The vast­ness of the heav­ens stretch­es my imag­i­na­tion – stuck on this carousel my lit­tle eye can catch one-mil­lion-year-old light. A vast pat­tern – of which I am a part… What is the pat­tern or the mean­ing or the why? It does not do harm to the mys­tery to know a lit­tle more about it. For far more mar­velous is the truth than any artists of the past imag­ined it. Why do the poets of the present not speak of it? What men are poets who can speak of Jupiter if he were a man, but if he is an immense spin­ning sphere of methane and ammo­nia must be silent?

Richard Feyn­man

Either the the­o­ry [of evo­lu­tion] is wrong, or I’m just incred­i­bly stu­pid.

Todd Friel